Out of the Blue

“Sometimes, things just happen… “Out of the Blue”.

January will see the Leslie Grove Gallery hosting its second annual juried COLOUR show, this year we bring you the colour BLUE.

The use of blue in art has a long rich history; from the frescoes and statues of the ancient Egyptians and the spiritual art of the Renaissance to the sense of wonder and tranquility evoked in Impressionist art.

Blue is no less important today as contemporary artists grapple with portraying subtle nuances of emotion. Blue is associated with everything from sorrow and nostalgia to optimism and joy.”

Join me and fellow artists at the Leslie Grove Gallery with the “Out of the Blue” show this January to reflect on what BLUE means to you.

In person -
January 10 - 28, 2024

Leslie Grove Gallery

1158 Queen Street East, Toronto On., M4M 1L2
416 465-0302


Why do you create?


Perpetually Emerging